Using Quick Sort to Determine Player Order
Using the quick sort algorithm to set the turn order in a game
990 words
5 minutes
Modular Stat/Attribute System Tutorial for Godot 4
Creating a modular stat/attribute system in Godot 4 with support for temp stats
1504 words
8 minutes
Creating A Markdown Editor in Godot
Can you make a markdown editor in Godot? I think so and imma do it
1842 words
9 minutes
Advent of Code 2024
Advent of Code has officially started, and here are my solutions for it (incomplete)
760 words
4 minutes
Parallax Camera Tutorial for Godot 4
Create a parallax camera controller in Godot 4 for both 2D and 3D
488 words
2 minutes
Weighted RNG Tutorial in Godot 4
An image showing the outcome of a weighted RNG done 100 times, with common getting generated 71 times. uncommon 21 times and rare 8 times
1555 words
8 minutes
Utility AI Tutorial for Godot 4
Creating a simple yet modular Utility AI in Godot 4
2358 words
12 minutes
Poisson Disc Sampling Algorithm in Godot 4
An algorithm that can be used to place objects down randomly without overlap and without the need for raycasts or collisions.
1368 words
7 minutes